Professional Coach
Relationship building- Education
Building strong relationships to improve well-being and site cohesion.
Would you benefit from having staff that:
Communicate freely with managers and other staff?
Feel respected?
Share openly and honestly?
Are high performers?
Follow site expectations?
Enjoy their job?
Would you benefit from having leaders and managers that:
Know and understand their staff?
Have high quality professional relationships with staff?
Are not conflicted in their role as performance manager, while also being a support person?
Manage with agreed outcomes and direction?
Tailor their communication style to have greatest impact?
Work to a plan that brings best results?
Would you benefit from coaching, mediation and relationship rebuilding between
Are leaders or managers finding difficulty in rebuilding relationships?
Do you require a new avenue to address staff not coping?
Are you looking for assistance in coaching staff contemplating:
Next steps in career or life
Leaving the profession
Reducing time
Are you looking for assistance in coaching new teachers?
This is where ShaunKcoach works with you to improve relationships through clear goal development, agreed actions and review process involving all relevant parties.
Why relationship coaching works:
I build rapport quickly
I maintain trusting relationships
I set an environment that is open and honest
I am one step removed from the site
I have extensive experience working with leaders and staff
I am not emotionally invested
Both parties are supported
Problem solving focus with clear goals
Actions are agreed to, with ongoing review
The process gives understanding and insight
Rebuilds relationships
Your site provides a supportive environment that makes informed decisions working together to resolve problems bringing organisation positivity.

Relationship building- Sporting
Building strong relationships to improve well-being and team cohesion.
Would you benefit from coaching, mediation and relationship rebuilding between
Do you require a new avenue to improve player and team culture at your club?
Are you looking for assistance in transitioning junior players to senior teams?
Are you looking for assistance in coaching new players and coaches?
Do you have players or officials that:
Have difficulty in building positive relationships
Only interacts with a close few
Are argumentative
Are not coping
Are feeling overwhelmed
Are anxious or stressed
Demonstrate erratic behaviour
Are coaches or officials finding difficulty in rebuilding relationships?
Would you prefer to have coaches and administrators that:
Know and understand their players
Have high quality relationships
Are not conflicted in their role as coach, while also being a support person
Manage with agreed outcomes and direction
Tailor their communication style to have greatest impact
Work to a plan that brings best results
Would you prefer to have players that:
Communicate freely with coaches and administrators
Feel respected
Share openly and honestly
Are high performers
Follow game plans and adhere to the agreed values
Support others
Enjoy what they do
Why my coaching works:
I build rapport quickly
I set an environment that is open and honest
I am one step removed from the organisation
I have extensive experience working with players and coaches
I am not emotionally invested
Problem solving focus with clear goals
Actions are agreed to, with ongoing review
The process gives understanding and insight
Rebuilds relationships
Your club/team provides a supportive environment to coaches, players and administrators, building a positive culture with successful growth. Decisions are informed and everyone works together to resolve problems bringing organisational positivity.
Relationship building- Professional
Building strong relationships to improve well-being and business cohesion.
Would you benefit from coaching, mediation and relationship rebuilding between
Do you require a new avenue to address staff not coping?
Are you looking for assistance in coaching staff contemplating:
Next steps in career or life
Leaving the profession
Reducing time
Are you looking for assistance in coaching new staff?
Do you have staff that:
Do not have a positive relationship with their manager
Only interact with a few close staff
Are argumentative
Are not coping
Are feeling overwhelmed
Are anxious or stressed
Demonstrate erratic behaviour
Are managers finding difficulty in rebuilding relationships?
Would you prefer to have leaders and managers that:
Know and understand their staff
Have high quality relationships with staff
Are not conflicted in their role as performance manager, while also being a support person
Manage with agreed outcomes and direction
Tailor their communication style to have greatest impact
Work to a plan that brings best results
Would you prefer to have staff that:
Communicate freely with managers and staff
Feel respected
Share openly and honestly
Are high performers
Follow site expectations
Enjoy their job
Why relationship coaching works:
I build rapport quickly
I set an environment that is open and honest
I am one step removed from the site
I have extensive experience working with leaders and staff
I am not emotionally invested
Both parties are supported
Problem solving focus with clear goals
Actions are agreed to, with ongoing review
The process gives understanding and insight
Rebuilds relationships
Your organisation/workplace provides a supportive environment that makes informed decisions working together to resolve problems bringing organisational positivity.