About coaching
As your coaching consultant I will provide guidance, support, and motivation to help you improve aspects of your life. This may include areas such as career, relationships, health and wellness, personal development, and overall life satisfaction.
As your coaching consultant I will lead you through a process to:
clarify areas of change or improvement
set clear measurable goals
analyse current situation
identify and prioritise options
create an action plan
instil motivation and commitment
review and assess progress
How long are sessions?
45-60 minutes, 1 session a week.
20 minute initial meeting
5 or 10 session packages
Coaching sessions can take place via video conferencing, phone or face-to-face at either my premises or a location you find most comfortable.
Which coaching is best for you?
If you are looking for individual support for yourself or others, Personal Coaching is the way to go.
If you are looking for support for you and your organisation, Professional Coaching is the best option.
Start with a FREE 20 minute chat to:
Get to know each other
Learn more about the process
Answer any questions.